Still, Our road 

Well here we are, another referendum under our belt and probably beginning to realise that politicians lie. This referendum was fronted on the stay side by David Cameron, the same guy who fronted the no side in the independence referendum we had in Scotland during 2014. He lied in this one as he lied in the last one.Then we had Boris Johnston who led the leave side . A man who took lying to a new level of dizzying heights. A clown who could be the next prime minister of the bruised and battered united kingdom.

The result as far as Scotland is concerned, could not have been better. Well, let me qualify that statement. It could have been better if more of the left leaning potential Yes voters had bothered to do some research and discovered that the EU is in fact a good deal more democratic than the UK and took just a minute to think of what they were in effect actually voting for and that is a fascist Xenophobic government led by a clown.

So here we are with an opportunity to go for independence once more and once again the SNP the beneficiaries of an event, out with their control but one that as with the last referendum will propel them to greater heights in the popularity stakes. Let’s hope that this time they do something with their rejuvenated popularity instead of the state of near paralysis they have been in since the referendum.

However, I would caution against an immediate resumption of a full blown campaign as there are many things to consider. One of them would be to investigate the possibility of Scotland actually remaining in the EU and the reason I say this is that there is as far as I know, no procedure for removing the EU citizenship except in the case where a whole country is removed. However, I would imagine that is because all of that countries inhabitants presumably gives their permission through the democratic procedure and I wonder what the case would be if a country(Scotland) with its own devolved government which was part of the member host, union of countries collectively invoked the Human Rights Act on behalf of its citizens and insisted through the result of the referendum that the citizens of Scotland should remain citizens of the EU.

Now all this would presumably take time but there is absolutely no reason why in parallel with this investigation there should not be a campaign to gain support for independence and this time it really must be a joint up effort between the SNP , the grass roots organisations and Business For Scotland and dare I say quite possibly a renewed Scottish Labour party together with , yes a Scottish Tory party. The Tory party in Scotland were on the opposite side of the faction who came out on top in the referendum. This scenario might just be going too far but it is worth a thought and I am sure it has at least been discussed in Scottish Tory circles and in deed Labour too.

The one thing that must be done is to start to address the failings of the last independence referendum as this is something that should have been started on immediately after the referendum but to date has been a failing of the SNP. A good start would be to print literature and posters of the list of deceptions we were subjected to during the last campaign produced by Gordon McIntire Kemp of Business For Scotland and we can start getting this out on the streets. Please go to the web site of business for Scotland where you will be able to see this list of deceptions and please also note that Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp also suggests that a road map be laid out. Now I wonder where we have heard that before?

Now is not the time for all the individuality dual groups to go off on their own tangents. Now is the time for proper leadership and a proper road map. The SNP are best placed to deliver this and all eyes will be on them. The people of Scotland expect no less.

One more thing, the people who voted no in the independence referendum and the people who voted to leave in the EU referendum are in the main decent folk who for reasons of their own decided to vote differently from you. Respect their right to do so and please stop this awful tirade of infantile name calling. Instead, do your homework and have the answers for them and put them in a respectful manner. We have to build bridges not walls.

The Yes Bus, Scotland’s Dragon for independence will be on the streets of Dundee again (actually we have never been away and have been collecting for food banks since the referendum) and this time we are going to win.

We are still on that road to independence.

This is our journey



I have been in business for well over half a century but I learn something new every day. My politics are the middle of the road. I believe that the far-right and far-left are equally harmful. Jim Murphy ( at that time, leader of the Scottish Labour party) asked me if I called myself a socialist. I said, "no Jim, I am not a socialist, I am a capitalist, but a capitalist with a social conscience.

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