The World This Week From Mennies

Saturday 13 April 2024

Middle East,

Well folks it is a while since I have managed to get up enough enthusiasm to write another The World This Week From Mennies blog. I suppose, like many people, I have been sickened by what is going on in Palestine and indeed, other parts of the world.

So here is my take on the present state of affairs concerning Palestine together with the responsibility for the present difficulties, that is in the lap of the West and in particular the US, together with my opinion on what is abut to happen in connection with the Israeli act if wat with the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.  

Middle East

So, let me start with Palestine the nub of the next flash point.

There is no need for me to go over the horrific genocide that is taking place there, as you are seeing it every day with your own eyes. If, by chance, you are one of the genocide deniers, like the US government, then, there is not much I can do for your present mental health issues.    

Suffice it to lay before you a few statistics.

Hamas, the properly elected government of Gaza, and the resistance movement launched an incursion into illegally held Palestinian land on the 7th of October 2023.

Israel had prior warning if this and chose not to stop it. The Egyptian security services warned the Israeli government two weeks before it happened,

There was a bout of short selling on the Israeli stock exchange days before the attack.

There was a change in the arrangements for the music festival which was to take place at a venue much further from where it actually happened.

There is a high probability that Hamas did not know of the venue change and the planned attack was aimed at mainly military targets.

Many of the deaths and injuries were caused by the Israeli military, applying their Hanibal policy, which is, in the event of a hostage situation the Israeli military will open fire regardless of whether, in doing so, it will kill hostages.

Prisoners were taken by Hamas as bargaining chips to address the Israeli hostage situation, which at that time consisted of around 3,000 Palestinians, many of them children. As of this date Israel holds over 12,000 hostages.

Israel initiated what seems a well-planned indiscriminate bombing campaign and destruction ( including infrastructure such as drainage and water) of northern Gaza.

Israel also initiated a campaign of killing journalists and destroying educational establishments and hospitals.

To date over 33,500 people have been killed including women and children, in fact during the six months this has been going on, Israel has killed at a rate of 85 children every single day.

Israel has not defeated Hamas and has taken many casualties.

Israel is becoming desperate and is trying to widen the war to the whole of the Middle East by bringing the US into it. Last week Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing several Iranian nationals in the hope that this would bring instant retaliation from Iran.

Although the US has stated that its intelligence indicates that there would be an attack on Israeli soil within 48 hours it has not yet happened. I think it has been every 48 hours since the Israeli attack in Damascus.

I don’t think a major attack will happen and here is my reasoning.

Israel is losing the propaganda war and now because of the internet, they are not getting away with the kind of atrocities they have been committing since the artificial state of Israel came into being in 1948.

If we go back to that time in history we will find that initially and through the League Of Nations ( forerunner to the United Nations) Britain was granted the responsibility to administer Palestine and if we go back even further to 1917, there was a letter from the then Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothchild of the Zionist Federation declaring that the British government intended allowing the establishment of a new Jewish state within Palestine.

This eventually happened in 1948 but not until Jewish settlers had run a terrorist campaign against the British army.

Since the establishment of the Jewish Zionist state, Israel has carried out a very long list of massacres of whole villages and townships in their policy of the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.  

So today, the effect of this present genocidal campaign is there for all to see and although in the main, western governments support Israel the people in these countries do not as they can see the genocide with their own eyes.

Ok, so getting back to why I do not think Iran will mount a significant attack on Israeli soil. Firstly, the US will have to think very carefully before declaring war on Iran, as, because of the positioning of that country it will make it very difficult to invade. The only possibility would conceivably be through Jordan who seems to be very much on side with Israel.

Now today Iran boarded an Israeli-linked container ship in the Streight of  Hormuz in the Persian Gulf.  This sends a message to both Israel and the US  that there is more than one way to skin a rabbit and this way is the economic way as most of the world’s oil comes through the Persian Gulf.

So this is part of my rationale and here is the important part. Iran could decimate Israel with a deluge of missiles, I do not think there is any doubt about that and Israel knows that. Yes the US would get involved but apart from firing missiles from ships which would themselves be vulnerable, the US could not mount a land attack on Iran for months. Look how long it took for preparations to be made to invade Iraq., by which time Hezbollah, in Lebanon could be heavily engaged directly with Israel in a ground war. Now Israel’s army has been shown to lack ability in Gaza as they have been fought to a standstill by a few patriots armed only with Kalashnikov and a few RPJ launchers.

So here is the nub of my prognosis and I am pretty sure it is also Irans.

Both Israel and the US along with the usual poodles like the UK are on to a pasting in a conventional war. Iran probably knows this and also that both of these countries possess the ultimate nuclear weapon. Now I do not believe that the US would use it in this instance, although they are the only country on the planet who have used it in a war. However, Israel would not hesitate to use this weapon and it is thought that they possess in the region of about 400 nuclear warheads.

Now Iran knows this and is thought to be very near perfecting a nuclear delivery system, so I would imagine they will go down the economic road whilst buying time to achieve nuclear capability.

 When they do achieve that capability Israel’s days as a European enclave in an Arab world are at an end and perhaps we can look forward to peace in the Middle East.

Ok, so, it is a Saturday evening and time for a pint in Mennies I wish my friends the world over a good and safe weekend. Take care


They say the truth comes out eventually, but it is there all the time.

All you have to do is find it, then do something about it


The World This Week From Mennies

Friday 8 March 2024

Gaza, the US. Ukraine and Russia

Well, another week in and a busy one at that, so a few observations/ opinions on what is going on in the world.

Gaza and the U.S.

Well, the slaughter goes on, willingly sponsored by the US, Britain, France and a few other poodles of the US and Israel. You know, if it wasn’t so serious, it would be comical. The US gives Israel upwards of $3.8 billion per year and recently they have been in the process of putting this up to $14 billion.

It is just as well there is absolutely no poverty, or vets ( from various US wars ) sleeping on the streets, is there?

OK, so what happens to all these billions of US taxpayer’s dollars? Well, a lot of it goes on armaments to continue the genocide of the Palestinian people, who are now literally starving to death.

Now the next part is the really interesting bit because much of the rest of it finds its way back to the US, by way of sponsorship (bribes) to congressmen and politicians. In recent years there have been 278 US politicians who have been the beneficiaries of Israel’s inverted altruistic benevolence.

So, what does Israel get for this benevolence Well you can see it every day on your news feeds. They get unadulterated and unquestioned support for bombing innocent women and children. They get support for shooting children in the streets, They get support for deliberately starving the whole population of Gaza

So, that is the merry-go-round of US-Israeli aid, you mugs make the money, you pay taxes, and your taxes are given to Israel to commit genocide, who in turn bribe your politicians to condone genocide and continually vote to increase your donations to Israel. I won’t go into the files that Mossad have on a good number of politicians from many countries who continually allow propaganda trips to Israel which include hospitality, “appropriate” to the individual’s preferences and end up recorded in Mossad files for future use.

Now briefly, the US has just announced that they will set up a temporary port on the coast of Gaza to facilitate supplies of aid. This is the strangest excuse I have heard for a long time as there are hundreds, if not thousands, of trucks stuck at border posts by the Israeli army and all it needs to happen is for the US to stop armament deliveries until these trucks are allowed into Gaza.

Now a couple of suggestions as to the real reason for this Port. The first one is that it could be the forerunner of a land terminal to service the gas fields off the coast of Gaza, and the second suggestion is that it could be a base for a reverse exodus of people from Palestine to another country or countries ( similar to the Rwanda farce perpetrated by the UK) thereby assisting the ethnic cleansing that Israel has been involved in since their invention, 75 years ago.

Ukraine and Russia

Well, as expected, by most, except the doe heads in NATO, Russia is winning and it is only a matter of time before Ukraine falls, and I mean the whole of Ukraine, not just the Donbas area which is where this all started with their declaration of independence in 2014 after the coup, sponsored by the CIA in 2014 where the democratically elected ( but pro-Russia)  government was forced from power and replaced by a regime which ended up being led by a comedian.

Russia set out to protect the Donbas as it had been constantly attacked by Ukraine forces, mainly the Azov battalion who are followers of Stepan Bandera a rampant Nazi who died in 1959. Who sided with Nazi Germany during the Second World War.  

Russia has carried out a war of attrition from the start which limited their casualties at the same time as avoiding unnecessary casualties among the mainly Russian-speaking people of the Donbas.

Zelensky stated, in one of his Columbia marching powder dwams, last week that Ukraine had lost  30,000 soldiers in the conflict but the figures are more like 400,000 and they are resorting to taking people from the street and enlisting them as cannon fodder in the army.

Well, it will soon be over and as I said way back at the start of this, two years ago, the US will have fought Russia to the last Ukrainian. Time to start talking again without the inclusion of the US and the U.K. who have turned a bad situation into a disaster.

Ok, so that is enough gloom and doom for another week and time for a pint in Mennies. So, I wish all my friends the World over, a great weekend, and that includes my U.S. friends, whom I treasure dearly but commiserate with, on their choice of governments. At present, you seem to have the unfortunate choice of Joe Biden who should be in a care home instead of the White House, and Donald Trump who should be in a lunatic asylum.

Remember:- There are many injustices in this world and they make good traveling companions of the silent people    


The World This Week From Mennies

Friday 16 February 2024

                       The US. The UK. Palestine

                                                 The US

Well, folks another week in and as far as world events are concerned, a most unpleasant week it has been with further evidence of the incursions of the West in other countries affairs having extremely adverse effects on these countries.

Let me start with the US for although I have many dear friends who live in the US, I fear they suffer from extremely bad governments, and not only the people who live there but unfortunately, people all over the world.

I could probably write a book on the foreign policy disasters of the US, but don’t worry, I won’t, or at least not tonight anyway. However, it does seem that any country with reasonable natural resources is at risk of the US installing “democracy” in that country normally by way of NGOs ( Non-Governmental Organisations.  

Yes, that is what they do, they set up these groups (generally through the good offices of the CIA) who look for merging areas of dissent. They then pour money into these small groups, making them big groups, and before you know where you are you have insurgent groups trying to oust governments. As happened in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, etc., etc. Sometimes of course they dispense with the formalities as they did in Afghanistan, and Vietnam, etc. etc, and simply invade the country, usually preceded by a false flag incident such as the Gulf of Tonkin or 9/11, where they blamed an ex-employee who had a Kalashnikov, a pair of sandals and was holed up in a cave in the Tora Bora mountains with a Nokia analog phone on which he planned the whole thing. For Al Quida read MOSAD.

Ok, so to cut a long story short, my American friends have chosen the short straw in choosing leaders and this year have the choice between Genocide Joe Biden who should be in a care home, and Donald Trump who should be in a lunatic asylum.

                                                  The UK

We in the UK had the good news today that our economy is in recession. The only surprising thing about that is that it took so long. The reason is that we started in 2016 when as an act of public suicide we left the EU and became a candidate for the next third world economy.

Now that was it seems, not bad enough, so a couple of years ago we then followed the US ( as per usual) and placed huge sanctions on Russia who supplied most of Europe with cheap gas and oil. As well as grain and agricultural products. Mind you the EU was as bad and now they are in an awful state with Germany almost crippled financially as after the US blew up the Nord Stream gas pipeline they had to depend on the US for gas supplies and Uncle Sam readily agreed to supply them at four times the price they had been getting from Russia. Talk about stupidity. Now Germany ( and the UK for that matter) are talking about going to war with Russia, taking idiocy to a new level.

We have a general election this year and it is going to be a laugh, because we have a choice between a Tory government that supports genocide in Palestine and who has gotten the country into a bloody mess, with its corrupt practices and a Labor party under “Sir “ Kier Starmer who’s family are Jewish and is firmly implanted into the rectum of the other genocidal nut Netanyahu of the manufactured country of Israel. Starmer says he talks daily on the phone with Netanyahu.

So, not a lot going for the UK at the moment.


This brings me to Palestine and I really do not know what further I can say about these poor people. There is mass slaughter of Palestinians being perpetrated by Israel. They have ignored a judgment of the International Court of Justice, which instructed them not to continue killing Palestinians in a manner that could form Genocide.

They just go on and on ignoring all forms of humanity in their desperation to establish a greater Israel.

World opinion is speedily going against Israel but the problem is that meanwhile, the slaughter goes on. There are 195 countries in the world and only about 25 of them support Israel by way of designating Hamas as a terrorist organization. The rest, and the UN recognize Hamas as the elected government of Gaza and a resistance force.

In the north, we have the West Bank which borders Lebanon. There we have Hezbollah who are much stronger than Hamas and have been returning the aggression shown by Israel in no uncertain manner. These soldiers are battle-hardened by years of fighting in Syria against ISIS which is a terrorist organization formed by both Israel And the US. Israel will do anything to prevent an all-out war with Hezbollah.

In the bible, it reads that the end days will come with a final battle at Armageddon where good will battle evil. Armageddon is at Mount Megiddo. It is in Northern Israel.

So to all my friends the world over I wish you a pleasant weekend among all this doom and gloom brought to you by politicians the world over. Time for a pint and I will leave you with one of my wee quotes

Sit in the same place for long enough and the whole world will pass you by. You will, however, probably be arrested for vagrancy.


The World This Week From Mennies

Saturday 3 February 2024

The state of the United States. Ukraine. Rosa. Palestine

The state of the United States

Well, folks here we are at the end of another week, and what a week, so let’s start with the US and what a state it is in.

There is an election this year and you have a choice between Joe Biden, a guy who struggles to remember his own name or where he is going at times, who has a son with a penchant for cooking. Not food I might add, but cocaine as well as a relationship with some very seedy Ukrainian “businessmen” in a Ukrainian company called Burisma who were supplying him with $50,000 per month whilst his daddy was Barack Obama’s number 2. It is I am sure pure coincidence that Genocide Joe has supplied Ukraine with funds in the region of $75 billion. Which as a by-product, has also made the Ukrainian president and one-time comedian Volodymyr  Zelenskyy into a multi-billionaire property magnet.

The other choice is of course Trump, a guy who also has a job putting intelligible sentences together, not because of senile dementia like Genocide Joe but simple stupidity. The man is as thick as two short planks, as was displayed a few years back when he decided to come to Scotland, his ancestral home ( something we in Scotland like to keep secret), and build a golf course at Balmedie. He was rather upset when an owner of a small holding refused to sell his property to him and even more upset when he discovered that he could do nothing about it, so he ended up building the course around David Milne’s small holding resplendent in the prominent exhibition of the flag of Mexico.

Both of them of course are fatally shackled to the cause of Israel which in itself is a very compelling reason that neither of them is worth a single vote from the basically good people of America.

So, to all of my friends in the good old US of A, my condolences, as it would seem, on the surface of things that you do not have a lot going for you at the moment.  


Well what can I say, but I told you so. Ukraine is on the point of collapse and hopefully with it will also come the beginning of the collapse of NATO which has been a willing participant in the war with Russia.

If that happens, it will be the start of a peaceful world as NATO led by the USA has been responsible for virtually all wars on the planet for the last 40 years and they are getting worse with their support for the genocide in Palestine.


I had a call from my 14-year-old granddaughter Rosa last week, she was in tears and extremely distraught. She was worried about a war starting with Russia. I went across to her house and sat down with her and asked what had brought this on.

She took out her phone and clicked on one of her social media accounts which was full of politicians beating their chests about the need to go to war with Russia. One of the most prominent was our illustrious Minister for Defense, Grant Shapps, who had just been all over social media and indeed the BBC ( British Bullshit Company) which is the propaganda arm of whatever government happens to be in power.

His latest gem was that he thought the UK ( hopefully by then, minus Scotland) would be at war with Russia within 20 years and he had come up with the idea that a senior citizens reserve army should be raised, presumably to clear up the nuclear waste, which will be all that is left of the country if we try to invade Russia. What an absolute idiotic moron.

I told her that this clown was a politician, worse than that, a Tory politician. Now this is an election year, and the Tories are the most unpopular party in the country. Mainly because of the mess they have made of things, including dragging us out of the EU and the utter mess they made of the Covid situation which started in 2020 together with the mass corruption with many of the Tory politicians suddenly being directors of businesses specifically set up to provide the NHS with covid related products, thereby making hundreds of millions out of the sheer misery most families had to go through. Most of these businesses then went into administration after their assets had been plundered.

“So, Rosa”, I said “the Tories are very unpopular and most likely to be ousted from power in the upcoming election. So what do politicians do when they are unpopular and wish to continue on the gravy train that politicians travel on? They strike fear into the general population because when people are frightened, they are inclined to cling to what they have. After all, to change is a step into the unknown”.

That is exactly the tactics the Tories are employing. They know we are not going to war with Russia because they also know that if we did, our army would be slaughtered. They ignominiously had to ask the US if we could withdraw our forces from Helmand in Afghanistan in 2014. That was against a bunch of farmers and poppy growers with AK 47s and the occasional RPG launcher, so god knows what Shapes was thinking of when he hatched his brainwave of going to war with Russia.

“No Rosa,” I said, “we are not going to war with Russia, that is a figment of imagination in a demented mind”. This is what politicians do to control and it is awful, they should be ashamed of themselves.

By the way, the alternative to Sunak, our present prime minister is “Sir” Keir Rodney Starmer the leader of the Labour party a man who does not have a clue of how to run a raffle never mind a country and he is firmly planted up the backside of the Jewish lobby thereby supporting the present genocide in Palestine.


Well despite the ruling of the ICJ  that Israel was on no account to continue with acts that could construe Genocide, they ignore that and continue to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. It is the crime of the Century and the West is complicit in this.

Now, Israel is desperate to bring the US into the war they have started on the poor people of Palestine and they are shit scared that Iran will become a nuclear state before very long, which would mean that they no longer are the sole owners of the final solution. ( ironic isn’t it). So they are working overtime to bring Genocide Joe into the fray, although he had been a willing partner in the awful slaughter to date by supplying the weaponry and ammunition that have been used to slaughter more than 27,000 Palestinians since October 7.

Now Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians since the formation of the artificial Israeli state in 1948 under the auspices of first the League of Nations and then the newly formed United Nations. Before then and since about 1935 Jewish people and more especially Zionist Jews had been emigrating from all over Europe and the USA to Palestine and in the main been made welcome.

They returned this hospitality by starting terrorist organizations such as Irgun and Stern gang who were not only responsible for various massacres of their Palestinian hosts’ but also, of British soldiers and police who were there to administer the Palestinian territories on behalf of firstly the League of Nations and then the United nations.

So Israel is no stranger to terrorism as the Israeli state was founded on terrorism.

So what have we today? Well on the 7 October, we had a group of resistance fighters go back into occupied Palestinian territory to attempt to remove a part of the Israeli army of occupation, as since 1948 Israel, through occupation and illegal settlements had increased the borders of Israel by a factor of about 7.

Israel was well aware of this impending attack as they had been warned by the intelligence services of Egypt. Not only that but their own intelligence service, Mossad was also well aware of the impending attack. Several days before the attack, the Israeli stock market was the subject of irregular short selling ( that is selling shares in a company before actually owning them, then buying them a few days later after that had fallen because of some unusual event at a much lower price. These shares were in companies that would have suffered losses because of the attack by Hamas, therefore the people involved in the short selling could have very well, known of the attack in advance.

So the rest is short-term history, Israel took advantage of the attack to go to war after inventing incredible stories of slaughtered babies and civilians, most of whom were actually killed by Israeli forces employing the Hannibal protocol which is the killing of hostages held by a terrorist group to also kill the terrorists.

Israel has not done very well on the ground as they are great at killing civilians including children with their massive advantage of air and artillery power.

They have been bombing various other countries such as Lebanon and Syria in the hope of bringing America into the war but they have a big problem with getting supplies through the Red Sea as Yemen has all but stopped all freight transport heading for Israel, and all over the middle east there have been attacks on US bases because of the US’s mindless support for the Genocide being carried out in Gaza, so all is certainly not going Israels way.

I think that a ceasefire will be agreed upon in the next few days as Israel needs to regroup or attack Hezbollah in the north and in Lebanon and that will open a real can of worms as Hezbollah are no pushover and have plenty of combat experience in Syria. So interesting time ahead, oh and by the way the alleged attack on the American base in Jordan was not in Jordan but was in fact in Syria, where America is there illegally, so the US is now carrying out retaliatory actions for an attack on a base which they occupy against international law.

So today I went into Dundee as there was to be a demonstration on behalf of the poor people of Palestine. Take care all and have a good weekend

The World This Week From Mennies

Saturday 27 January 2023

Well, I haven’t really been blogging for a while due to a mixture of traveling, business commitments, and a general revulsion with what is going on in the world, but it is my birthday today and I had a bit of downtime today.

So first let me thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday and of course, the few ( very few thankfully) who wished that it would be my last one.

It is a fact that when commenting on the awful things that are happening today such as the genocide that is taking place in Palestine, you just can’t please everybody, and to be honest, if I was pleasing everybody I doubt that any of my wee offerings would be read anyway.

So, looking back on my 77th year on this planet, it makes me very sad and disappointed in a very large slice of the so-called human race over this last year as we see conflicts in two main parts of the world and potential conflicts that seem to be being deliberately ramped up across the globe.

Let me start with the potential conflicts. These are China and North Korea. OK now Kim Jong Un, might not be everyone’s cup of tea as far as getting people’s back up, but think of it, when has he invaded anyone else’s country? Or indeed, when has he interfered in anyone else’s country?

Well, to save you googling it I will tell you, never. Ok, so next question. Who is it that has issues with North Korea? Again to save you from looking it up, I will tell you about the good old US of America, and why they have issues with North Korea? Because like them they have nuclear weapons, and because they have nuclear weapons the US cant employ their usual modus operandi of using Non-governmental organizations to ferment unrest and overthrow the official government, as they have done in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc, etc, etc.

This takes me to China, or to be more precise Taiwan. Now, Taiwan is part of China and even America recognizes this, to the point that the US does not even have an embassy in Taiwan. The reason for the rift between China and Taiwan is that at the end of the Second World War in 1945 there was a civil war and the communist party under Mao Zedong defeated the republican party under Chiang Kai-shek. The Republicans retreated to the island of Taiwan where they remain to this day. Apart from a few skirmishes’, China has been prepared to wait for a political change for the two entities to become one China. That was of course until Uncle Sam decided to foment unrest and now Taiwan and China are at loggerheads. Again the common denominator is good old Uncle Sam.

So that brings me to the two actual areas of live conflict and guess who is behind both of them, yes, you got it, good old Uncle Sam, and here is why.

Right let’s take Ukraine, ahh you will say, yes Russia invaded Ukraine two years ago. Well, it is not just as simple as that as this started some time before this, and in fact, it started in 2014.

Now the area in contention is the Donbass area which is mainly Russian speaking and the reason for that is that it is mainly populated by Russian people and has been since the 18th century when Ukraine was part of Russia, which as a comparison is about two thousand years sooner than the Jews claim they were inhabitants in Palestine.

So getting back to the recent war, which by the way, Russia calls a “special operation” Now in 2014, Ukraine was governed by a pro-Russia government and was by all accounts being governed reasonably well, apart from the corruption which has been endemic in Ukraine for many years. It has now however under Zelenskyy blossomed into an art form.

Ok, so along comes jolly old Uncle Sam again and sets up various NGOs and ferments unrest. Now there was, since the second world war a very strong following of a guy called Josep Bandera, who was a raving Nazi and this cult is what the unrest was formed around. There was an incident in Kiev in Maiden Square where several protesters were shot, quite possibly arranged by Uncle Sam’s CIA. This started a mini revolution which displaced the government, ending up with Zelensky who started his working life as a comedian, and before long became a property billionaire with property in London and the south of France.  

Ok so we have a nazi government who are not friendly with Russia which is not surprising as Russia lost 27 Million people to the Nazis in the second world war.

The Ukraine Government then employed a Nazi battalion called Azov to lay siege to the Donbas area as they had expressed a wish to separate from Ukraine and govern themselves Azov killed 14,000 Donbas residents from 2014 until Russia stepped in to protect them in 2021. Oh one other thing, Ukraine made moves to join NATO and despite previous assurances between America and Russia that there would be no movement further east of NATO, Good Old Uncle Sam reneged on these agreements and prepared to allow Ukraine to join. This would have meant that there would have been nuclear weapons based on Russia’s border which would have been seven and a half minutes from Moscow.

Anyway, that is not going to happen now as Uncle Sam has had his ass well and truly spanked along with his proxy Ukrainian army and shortly Russia will have achieved its objective which is the de-Nazification and de-militarization of Ukraine. Oh and by the way the Donbas, through a referendum is now part of Russia.

So, this brings me to the main area of conflict and that is Palestine, where Israel is carrying out the most blatant genocide in the history of the planet, backed and armed by, guess who? Once again, Good Old bloodthirsty Uncle Sam. Yes believe it or not where there is blood being spilled on the planet today you can bet your bottom Doller that Uncle San has his greasy fingers in it stirring it up.

Now this has its roots in my life’s timeline as I was born in 1947 and this present conflict started about then with the formation of the new country Israel which again had the US behind it. Now it is too long a story to go into now as I am hoping to finish this and get down to Mennies for a pint to celebrate my birthday, but very briefly. Israel is today governed by people who do not have the faintest semite D and A. They base their heritage on a fairytale called the Exodus where God’s chosen people left Egypt and got lost in the desert for 40 years on a journey that should have taken 11 days. Eventually finding Cannen and is given an instruction by a loving god to commit genocide on the Canaanites.

It is absolute nonsense but that is what they chose to believe which takes us back to today when the United Nations International  Criminal Court decided that Israel had a case to answer for the Genocide of today’s Palestinian people who they have been slaughtering for the last three months.

Guess what? Uncle Sam is not accepting the verdict of the court.

I intend to write a more comprehensive piece on the present horrors taking place in Palestine but the point of what I am writing tonight is to point the finger at the perpetrators of the horror. It is a fact that the two biggest terrorist organizations on the planet are the US and Israel.

So I wish all of my friends a great weekend and thank you for all the lovely messages wishing me a happy birthday.

Just one of my wee sayings to finish up with.

Never be afraid to say what you honestly believe is the right thing to say and never be afraid to listen to what someone else believes is the right thing to say. Invariably the actual right thing is somewhere in between.    

The World This Week From Menies

Sunday 14 January 2023

Should your MP be open about links to Israel

Yesterday I tweeted a question to Chris Law the MP for Dundee West regarding any affiliations he had with any Jewish organisations. My concern was that a few weeks ago in Dundee City Square he attempted to give a speech that by all accounts supported Israel.

His answer was to block me. I have therefore sent an email to his parliamentary contact address with an official request for the information.

Here below is the email sent and I will update you with any answer I receive.

Hi Chris

Bob Costello here, remember me? I am the guy who helped you get where you are in the British parliament. Firstly in respect of the assistance I gave you during the independence campaign in 2014, when I took your 40-year-old fire engine into our workshops to renovate it including a full strip and re-spry thereby turning it into the Spirit Of Independence for you to use touring the country during the campaign. This, completely free of charge.

I remember remarking to Jamie ( my son) that you had more ambitious plans in mind and you would probably be using the campaign to further your political ambitions.

once the campaign was over you then indeed set about furthering your political ambitions and again I assisted in first your selection as a candidate and then through campaigning through the Yes Bus Team for your successful election to parliament.

Cast your mind back to the night before you went down to Westminster when we were having a pint in Menniés. You said to me “Well, what do you think” I said “Well Chris, we have got you here and you will go down to that place tomorrow where, if you are not careful you will be sucked into the glamour and pomp of that place. We have brought you here to fight for independence and if you stray off that road, we will fight to have you replaced by someone who will carry forward the fight.”

Well, Chris you were sucked in and between yourself and the rest of the Sturgeonites’ you have all but destroyed the independence movement but that is something for another day perhaps somewhat closer to the next election when I intend to expand on this theme.

My concern today is in connection with the ongoing situation in Gaza. Yesterday I tweeted a question to you as my MP, concerning your possible connection to Israel. I wanted to know whether you had any links through possible or similar organisations such as Friends of Israel, or whether you or your parliamentary office have ever received any funding or benefits from any Jewish organisation or any of their affiliations?

My concern is that on the face of it, you could possibly support Israel and this was evidenced a few weeks ago when, in the City Square ( the place where we together campaigned for the freedom of Scotland) you attempted to give a speech supporting the present actions of Israel, which to many people mind is tantamount to genocide.

Remember, Dundee is twinned with Nabulus.

Unfortunately, instead of answering my concerns, you blocked me.

I support the right of the Palestinian people to have the freedom of their own country, a position I believe to be very prevalent among the people of Scotland and indeed among your own constituents. I therefore call upon you to make your position clear. Do you condemn the slaughter visited upon the Palestinian people by Israel and do you support a free Palestinian state, can you answer the questions concerning possible affiliations to Israeli organizations and funding positions?

To give you a fair chance of reply I will post this and any answers I receive from you on social media.

Best regards


May be an image of 2 people and fire




The world This week From Mennies

Sunday 26 November 2023

The World This Week From Mennies comes to you from Bruni

This week has been a watermark in Scottish politics and in fact Scottish history, with the announcement that Alex Salmond has served notice on the Scottish government that he is to address their collusion in the conspiracy to bring him down, thankfully unsuccessfully.

Here is the statement made by Alex Salmond and his legal team in regard to the action in the court of session.
Hopefully this will lead to proper justice being being done and a very black episode one the legal history of Scotland being expunged.


Posted on 24 November 2023

The purpose of these initial statements is to explain the basis of the civil action now that it has been called. As Mr Salmond indicates, the intention going forward is to present arguments in court.

Alex Salmond said;

“Throughout this tawdry business I have done my talking in court or in front of Parliament. That has resulted in victory in the Court of Session and being cleared of all charges in the High Court of Justiciary. I intend to continue with that practice.

Despite Lord Pentland’s findings in the Court of Session that the behaviour of the former Permanent Secretary and her officials was “unlawful”, “unfair” and “tainted by apparent bias”, despite the ongoing police and crown office enquiries into the criminal leaks and potential perjury at the criminal trial, despite the astonishing revelations of misfeasance contained in the eventual publication of the government’s own legal advice, and despite the specific findings of the Parliamentary Inquiry into the conduct of the former Permanent Secretary and the former First Minister, not one single person has been held accountable. With this court action that evasion of responsibility ends.

We have agreed to the sisting of proceedings to allow the criminal investigations into leaking and perjury to be completed. However, the calling of the action signals that the day of reckoning for the Scottish Government’s record of misfeasance on this grand scale will inevitably come.”

Mr Salmond’s lawyer, Gordon Dangerfield, said;

“This is an action of misfeasance in public office in which we aver that public officials of the Scottish Government conducted themselves improperly, in bad faith and beyond their powers, with the intention of injuring Mr Salmond. The public officials and Ministers named in our action include, among others, the former Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans, the former Chief of Staff Liz Lloyd and the former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

“We aver that public officials decided at an early stage that Mr Salmond was to be found guilty of allegations against him, regardless of the actual facts. As events snowballed, we aver that public officials then took part in the criminal leaking of confidential documents, the concealment of documents in defiance of court orders and a criminal warrant, the misleading of the court during judicial review proceedings, the soliciting of false criminal complaints, and ultimately the commission of perjury at a parliamentary inquiry. All of this, we aver, was done for political reasons, and specifically to injure Mr Salmond.

“Many documents which are relevant to these averments continue to be concealed by the Scottish Government despite repeated requests for disclosure of them over the course of the last year since this action was first raised. We aver that this refusal to disclose is a continuation of the misfeasance which began more than five years ago. A major aim of Mr Salmond in bringing this action is to obtain disclosure of this vital evidence and to blow apart the Scottish Government cover-up which has gone on now for far too long.

The World This Week Fron Mennies

Saturday 21 October 2023

Genocide of the Palestinian People.


 The SNP Are at It Again.

So, the end of another week and an extremely busy one at that. This is the way it has been for quite some time and doesn’t look like becoming any quieter in the foreseeable future. Throughout my career in business, I feel I have always been able to plan in such a way that generally gives a satisfactory outcome. Unfortunately, I have failed miserably in facilitating my retirement.

I have been so busy that I have been neglecting my regular take on what is happening in the world through my blog, The World This Week from Mennies, so here is my take on several topical issues.

The Genocide of the Palestinian People

Yes, genocide is a very strong word but that is exactly what it is, and this has been part of a very intricately laid plan involving the Israeli government, the US and quite possibly some European countries .

So, what is behind it all? Well two main things. Firstly, Israel wishes to exterminate the Palestinian people in order to re-instate a fairy tale of their ancient homeland, in the land of Canaan.  This belief derives from a vague interpretation in the Old Testament of the bible. Now to be clear, the bible we are speaking about, tells us that the earth is only 6000 years old. Which makes that ludicrous assertion wrong by about four and a half billion years and this is supposed to be the word of God.

This belief regarding a Jewish homeland is heavily attached to the main fairy tail of the Exodus, which is a tall story about the “chosen people”, the Israelites, firstly being chosen by god to be slaves in Egypt, then God chose to send 10 plagues to convince the ruler of Egypt to allow the Israelites to move towards the promised land. For such an omnipotent entity I would have thought that God could just have changed the Pharo’s mind.

Ok, so he didn’t and instead instituted this series of catastrophic events causing the deaths of possibly millions of innocent people, including the granddaddy of them all “The Passover” where he decided to kill the firstborn of every Egyptian. Yes, I am serious and that doesn’t mean just children it means the firstborn in every family and remember this is the God of love we are speaking about.

To make matters worse, the “Angels” he was to send in this program of mass murder didn’t know who the “chosen” people were ( how he managed to “choose” them in the first place I cannot imagine) so the Israelites had to paint their doorposts with goats’ blood so that the intellectually challenged Angels could pass over the houses of the Israelites and kill only the Egyptians.

OK, so are you with me, because it is getting worse. So, this convinced the ruler of Egypt to allow the Israelites to go from Egypt. Which they did and according to the bible, in the region of a million people headed towards the promised land, however, the ruler of Egypt changed his mind and sent an army after them at which point Moses stretched out his hand and the Red Sea opened allowing a million people to cross over whereby he again raised his hand and the sea engulfed the army. I told you it got worse and now the piece de resistance.

God, this omnipotent entity, and creator of the earth, gets them bloody lost and I don’t mean just wandered off their compass bearing for an hour or two, I mean lost in the bloody desert for 40 years and to get this into perspective, the journey to the promised land should have taken 11 days.

Ok so now this million people have been wandering around the desert for 40 years and God finally tells them that they have arrived at the promised land which is the land of Cannen. Great but the only slight problem is that God wants them to slaughter all the Canaanites before they can claim the promised land and guess what that is called. It is called Genocide, and that is what these descendants of the Israelites are doing again in the same land because at that time which was 1350 BC ( over 3000 years ago) the Canaanites were Palestinians.

Ok, so before you all start jumping up and down and telling me that this is absolute nonsense then let me tell you that you are correct, as none of this has ever been proven to have happened and for a million people to have wandered the desert for 40 years there is not a single archaeological sign. There is only the word of God through the Bible., But here is the thing, there are people who actually choose to believe this nonsense, these are the Zionist leaders of Israel, and they are at this moment enacting these very deeds I have just outlined and have been doing since Britain enacted the Balfour Declaration in 1948.

Since then, various governments of Israel have been operating a slow genocide of the Palestinian people in the area that was once Canaan.

The second thing that is part of the equation is that because of US stupidity by way of Donald Trump and because the US reneged on agreements with Iran to limit any move towards them achieving weapon-grade plutonium, there have been no inspections of nuclear facilities in Iran and I am pretty sure that with an unstable neighbor like Israel, they have been working away to achieve the goal of a nuclear weapon and this is why the illogical presence of the US carrier fleet in the Mediterranean sea.

The hope will be that Iran will be drawn into the conflict in Gaza and a war with Iran will be commenced.  

Make no mistake, the attack by Hamas over the most impenetrable border on the planet was all planned and it wasn’t all in Gaza, most of it was in Tel Aviv. This is a false flag incident on the level of Gulf of Tonkin incident at the start of the Vietnam War.

Meanwhile the slaughter goes on and the west stays silent on the daily war crimes committed by Israel. The Palestinians did not invade the country of Israel as defined in the League of Nations Balfour declaration, they went into territory occupied by the Zionists of Israel.

I have blethered on more than I intended with this, so will cut short the other two items.


Well, the “Spring offensive” has finally come to a halt and the slaughter of young lives on the Ukrainian side goes on. Putin is doing what he said he would do and hopefully, the de-Nazification is going along apace.

Meanwhile, Zelensky ( who is a Jew) is selling arms supplied to him by the West to Hamas, to fight the, err Jews!


Believe it or not, SNP policy to attain independence is to get the majority of seats (not the majority of people ) and all will be well with the UK government who will immediately agree to a section 30 derogation of the Scotland Act and will commence negotiations on independence. They have not noticed that they have had a majority of seats for many years and have done nothing about it.

The problem the SNP have is that if by chance there was another independence-related party in power, they would no doubt initiate an enquiry into the possible criminality which has gone on during the tenure of Nicola Sturgeon, therefore they must make such a mess of things and refuse to cooperate with any other party to allow a unionist party into power in Scotland. That is the only way they can be sure that no enquiry is ever initiated.

OK, that’s it for today folks and I am looking forward to my next travel adventure which takes in  Thailand, Vietnam, Bruni, And the Philippines and this is next Month.

So, I wish my friends the world over a great weekend. Time for a pint.


Sit in the same place for long enough and the whole world will pass you by, you will however, probably be arrested for vagrancy.

A Nautical Nomad

Well, day 6 on my European river trip along the Rhine. The last two stops were in Rhudishime and Mainz. Now in Strasbourg.

Rhudishime was quite a lively place with a very traditional German township and quite a tourist stop.

I managed to get out in the town for a few pints after dinner as the entertainment on the ship consisted of a string quartet, so after a couple of tunes I headed ashore and found a couple of bars with good live entertainment.

Strasbourg today and a very quiet place it is, but I suppose it is Sunday.

Note to self:- next time you ask the activities rep if the city centre is within walking distance and he advises taking a taxi, believe him.

He pointed out the cathedral spire protruding from the city skyline and suggested taking a taxi there.

Me of course knowing better and using my infallible sense of direction and distance assessment, reckoned that it was a walk of about 2 miles and set off.

This is me sitting in a coffee shop one and a half hours later with sore feet having walked about 4 +miles.

There is a distinct shortage of coffee shops in Strasbourg on a Sunday. However, this one is excellent and the coffee is good.

Now the French people are lovely but my experiences with them through numerous tours I have driven with them and various visits to France is that they are fully paid-up members of the awkward squad and although most of them speak very good English they do not readily cooperate with anyone who does not at least try to speak French. Some of you might remember my story concerning a trip to Monti Carlo where again, I tried to subvert local advice, decided not to take the advised taxi and walk to my hotel which I duly found after receiving directions from numerous people which took me all over Monty Carlo and that was only the people who admitted to understanding English.

Anyway, my fluent French stood by me today as I masterfully ordered my cappuccino in about the only sentence I know in French.

I remember in my touring days, I had a French group of veterinary surgeons doing a tour of Abattoirs in the Aberdeen area.

On the way back to the hotel which was on the outskirts of Aberdeen one day, the organiser asked if I could take them into Aberdeen for a short shopping stop. Now I was only booked until 5 PM each day but I agreed to take them. I stopped just off Union Street and explained that I couldn’t wait there because of parking restrictions but I would be back at exactly 5.30 and could they be on time as I could get a parking ticket if I had to wait.

Well, French people being French people, some of them did not turn up for another half an hour. Fortunately, a parking attendant did not happen by.

The following day the same thing happened as the organiser asked again if I could take them to Aberdeen. This time when I stopped to let them off I explained that perhaps an hour was not sufficient for their shopping needs and there was a good taxi service nearby so, I would be there at 5.30 and would assume that if anyone was not there, they would have decided to take a taxi so would leave for the hotel.

Every single one of them was waiting at the pick-up point when I arrived there

So, I will finish my coffee and head back to the ship

Have a nice Sunday folks

Why The SNP Must Be Removed From The Independence Arena

This incident came up on a Facebook memory going back to 2015, It is one of the SNP’s most disgraceful episodes in a long list of their attempts to stifle independence events in Dundee.

We, through the Yes Bus Team decided to run an independence rally and I named it “Roadmap to Independence Rally”

We also invited speakers from all political parties to speak including Tommy Sheridon who always got very large crowds when he came to Dundee during the referendum campaign.

The SNP did all in their power to stop then restrict this event including using DC Thompson, a unionist newspaper publisher to try to disparage the event.

The event was a success despite the best SNP efforts to thwart it but it was the last straw as far as I was concerned and led to my resignation from the SNP after a 30-year membership.

I have copied below my letter of resignation which better explains the situation at the time ( 2015) in the SNP.

The SNP today are a mess and must be removed from the independence arena or we will suffer the consequences for many years.
Anyone thinking of voting for the SNP next Thursday should first read this.

Letter Of Resignation From the SNP

Dear Peter

It is with much regret and very much soul searching that I must cancel my membership of the SNP. A party that I have supported for many years both financially and indeed a vast amount of my time.

To give you an idea of my commitment to the party and indeed the fight for independence which is what, up to recently I have always thought that the SNP were all about, I list below some of the input I have had to the independence cause and therefore the party.

Going back to 2013 and the wonderful march and rally in Edinburgh I supplied two coaches free of charge at a worth of £***

I also supplied a mini bus for disabled people free of charge at a worth of £***

Over the years I have allowed free storage and parking at our depot for SNP vehicles

In the run up to the referendum I took in Chris Law’s 50 year old fire engine and turned it into The Spirit of Independence, in our workshops this involved completely stripping the paint by hand and repainting it , refurbishing the brass work and completely overhauling the mechanical elements of it . The value of this was £*,***

I made available the Yes Bus Scotland’s dragon for independence to any grass roots organisation to campaign in their own particular manner. A 20 year old double decker bus with a history of service in two countries which had gained their independence from the UK. The value of this could be conservatively assessed at £**,***

This bus then went on to actively campaign throughout Dundee Angus and fife with the Yes bus team, a group of committed volunteers from all parties and none. This yes bus has continued to promote independence mainly in the City square both during and since the referendum.

The value of this could conservatively be put at £**,***

During the campaign I supplied vans and minibuses to collect yes materials from Edinburgh and distribute these materials throughout the area and convey SNP campaigners throughout Dundee.  A conservative estimation of a worth of £*,***

During the referendum campaign I supplied for a whole 2 months, a coach and driver for Business for Scotland who worked very closely with the SNP, **********************************************************************************the worth of this is £**,*** with a contribution from business for Scotland of £*,***

There have been many other areas of assistance which I have given.

So the forgoing plus the direct donations that I have made to the party I feel shows that I have had unstinting commitment both to the party and to the cause of independence.

I have since the referendum mainly through social media and discussions with SNP politicians sought to offer suggestions regarding the ongoing fight for independence. Sometimes this has been taken as being anti SNP by some of the less able to think members of the party instead of constructive criticism.

A couple of days after the referendum I approached a local SNP politician and said “well we have lost a battle but not the war so what is the plan. The response I got was “what plan”. I said that we had made mistakes during the campaign such as muddle on plan B and we failed to convince pensioners that their pensions were not at risk in an independent Scotland and before any further referendum we must at the very least answer these questions and we should continue at a lower level the grass roots campaign to make people aware of these and many other issues that they were obviously uncomfortable with. Again the equivalent of a blank look. In short we have not made any preparation for a future referendum and it is still that situation today.

During the referendum campaign   we, the yes Bus team were on the streets of Dundee almost every day talking to thousands of undecided and hard no voters explaining the positive side of independence. We had a fantastic mix of people from all walks of life and political persuasions including people from business for Scotland of which I am a member. We had people out on the periphery and the streets surrounding the city square handing out merchandise and leaflets (when we could prise the material from the SNP run Yes Hub in St Andrews Street. And most important was that all these people sometimes 20 to 30 (far more than the SNP could muster to deliver leaflets and 10 times more than the amount of people who manned the occasional SNP stall including the politicians who huddled ineffectually around their stall in the Nethergate.

Now I should have realised at the time but this reluctance to have much to do with the grass roots groups was actually apparent even then, because the only time we saw the politicians at the Yes Bus was when the press were there and they disappeared along with the press, so they did absolutely no campaigning in Dundee with the grass roots groups that I was associated with.

After the referendum the yes organisation was disbanded and I can only wonder at the wisdom of this as it was a catalyst for the grass roots groups and to my mind would have been a logical way of keeping the independence movement alive.

We sent 56 MP’s down to London out of a possible 59. A massive majority and I cannot for the life of me understand why they were not tasked with attempting to wrest the power to hold a referendum at a time of our choosing from Westminster to Holyrood. You will be aware that with a majority of one in Holyrood we managed to persuade the British Government to grant temporary power to hold a referendum after the last Scottish elections.

So I have over the last few months began to have an uneasy feeling regarding the actual commitment of the SNP to actually commit themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of independence .

I keep receiving messages and postings from unthinking people with the well-worn message of “ the SNP knows what they are doing they have a plan “ well with half a century of business behind me I have found that blind allegiance and faith generally leads to disaster.

So I have had misgivings as to the commitment or lack of strategic planning exhibited by the SNP with regards to a future referendum for some time, but what has brought this to a head is recent events in connection with a rally  myself and others organised in Dundee on Sunday 4th October.

This rally was a “road map to independence” misconstrued by some of the mindless SNP trolls to be pressure for an imminent referendum. I realised for the reasons previously mentioned that we are not ready for a referendum should the opportunity present itself and taking into consideration the remarks from Nicola Sturgeon that “the Scottish people will decide  when we are ready for another referendum” and also realising that many people in Scotland , a great many SNP members among them are becoming restless because of the inability or reluctance of the SNP to present a reasonable way forward (a road map) I reasoned that a sensible approach and opportunity for the SNP would be to present a road map , not necessarily with a date but showing that proper preparations had been put in place . I feel that this would have been a good compromise and would have placated the unrest which is brewing.

Now we had asked Tommy Sheridan   (being a prominent pro-independence campaigner) to talk together with several other speakers. We had a great line up of top class bands to entertain the crowds. The problem was that we could not get any SNP speakers. Eventually the top brass put forward Jimmy Black who is not a parliamentarian but a councillor, who made it clear that he had been “put forward.” Now he promptly   did a posting on Facebook asking all and sundry (not necessarily his constituents) if he should appear at the same event as Tommy Sheridan. I have never in my life seen anything so transparent, immature and incompetent being initiated by anyone let alone a politician. As if that was not bad enough he actually made reference to why he thought he should not appear siting Sheridan’s conviction for perjury ( which he has served his punishment for ) and inexplicably reference to a book about Sheridan which made unsubstantiated allegations about his past. So we had an SNP politician “on Facebook” indicating that a punishment handed down in court was not sufficient and the person should continue to be ostracised presumably for the rest of his life and more incredibly acting as judge and jury on unsubstantiated allegations that for some reason have never come to court.

Now this started a torrent of abuse, mainly from insiders within the close confines of the SNP in Dundee, mainly Dundee West, both to me and another person (a woman) who was involved in the organisation of this event.

Now we had properly applied within the time constraints for permission to hold the rally but because of a misunderstanding concerning the parade element of the day we had not applied separately (despite the staff in the council offices stating that only the one form was needed) for the parade and therefore we applied as soon as we realised this. Now late applications are very common place and happen all the time and the Convener of the Licencing committee has discretion in this. This man is Stewart Hunter an SNP councillor. Now despite all the necessary departments being happy with the parade including the police who I had detailed discussions with and in an apparent attempt to harm the rally he decided not to use his disctecionaly power to allow the parade to go ahead. He used the excuse that the last time I organised a rally in May it was chaotic and he only gave permission on the morning of that rally.

So I will go on now to explain what actually happened to the last rally, again a grass roots rally organised by Yes We Care and not me .I was in fact nothing to do with the application.

This rally was to take place on the weekend before the general election. Several days before the rally was to take place I had a visit from Chris Law (now Chris Law MP) at my office. He asked me if I could use my influence to stop the rally (a yes rally) and have it postponed to the week end after the general election as he did not want people filling up the City Square waving saltires and having yes signs all over the place. Yes, incredibly the SNP did not want any mention or sign of independence before a general election. I at first expressed my disbelief at this and found it difficult to comprehend what he had just said. I firstly explained that I had not applied for the permission so he was speaking to the wrong person, although I had agreed to put the Yes Bus there on the day as a focal point and to use as a changing room for the Highland dancers. I however agreed to have a word with the organisers to see what could be done however I did mention that as the event had been booked for that particular weekend, there was no permission in place for the following weekend. He assured me that this would be sorted!   Now apparently and before I had had the chance to speak to the organisers he had asked them to go to the Dundee west office and again asked them to postpone the event until after the General election and again I believe stated both by him and another person employed by the SNP that the short notice application would be sorted. In the event the rally went ahead without, as far as I can ascertain even an application being submitted and was only passed by Councilor (SNP) Stewart Hunter on the very Morning of the Rally.

So for this councilor to try to use my late application for an event that I had nothing to do with and was in fact the internal machinations and political maneuvering of local politicians (which in itself throws up questions of probity) that caused the late (if any) application to prevent a yes parade going ahead is nothing short of a disgrace.

The event on 4th October minus the walk around the town went ahead and was a huge success with over a thousand yes supporters present. This engendered extreme sour grapes on the part of the SNP and Stewart Hunter through the Dundee Courier (a staunchly unionist paper) tried to put a negative spin on the event calling it a shambles and stating the there was only 300 at the event. Negativity I have not witnessed since the referendum and all by unionist papers and project fear. It would seem that the Dundee SNP have taken that mantle for themselves.

Because of the success of the event, there appeared on Facebook yesterday a posting by Tom Thompson (a parliamentary assistant to both Joe Fitzpatrick and Chris Law, showing the front page of the unionist paper the Courier with a totally false impression of how the event had gone and a very negative slant on it.  This was closely followed by negative comments by several people who are either employees of the SNP or in a close cabal that can be seen regularly inhabiting the Dundee West offices, in a blatant attempt at character assassination of which I was the subject. I never thought that I would see the day when the SNP used a unionist paper to attack one of their own.

One of these people I mention is already the subject of a complaint to you in regards to libelous statements in reference to me on social media and of which I took great exception to especially as he was an officer of the SNP . A complaint by the way that you yourself have for some two months failed to address.

Well Peter I have had enough, I have supported the SNP through thick and thin for many years I have walked the streets of Dundee for months during the referendum I have engaged with people from all walks of life and convinced them to vote for independence or in the case of the General election, to vote for Chris Law .I have offered honest constructive criticism when I thought that they were straying off the road to independence. I have lived and breathed independence for the last two years and more during the campaign and after it.

During this last two weeks I have been sickened by the vile comments posted about myself and the other organiser of this Yes event by members of the SNP including staff members and I will say it again in case you missed it A YES EVENT.

I feel the SNP have indeed strayed of the road we are all going down I feel they are side-lining the grass roots organisations that did so much good work. I feel that the SNP are more interested in retaining power , power they see diminishing after a yes vote when we will have in Scotland a Labour part of Scotland , Conservative party of Scotland , a Lib Dem party of Scotland and all the smaller parties ,all off Scotland.

It is with a heavy heart that I must leave the SNP but my loyalty is to Scotland above any political party. Scotland, the place that gets me excited every time I come home to it. Scotland, the only place on the World I would ever live in and lastly Scotland, the country that belongs to the Scots


Bob Costello