All under one Clique

This is my second blog on the subject of All Under One Banner and their attempts to organise an event in Dundee. Since I wrote the blog yesterday there has been some very unsavoury developments such as threats of violence made against myself and others. I enclose the evidence below.

It is a great pity that the independence movement has to be tainted with this disgraceful behaviour.  A pity also that one of the main proponents in this affair was in the past involved in the attempts to adversely affect a previous rally because of the presence of Tommy Sheridan and now we have the spectacle of him arranging a speaking slot on this forthcoming march and rally. Mind you it is hardly surprising when you consider that AUOB is associated with Hope Over Fear, the organisation run by Tommy Sheridan

So we now have the situation where we have SNP members and ( as far as I know) an SNP office bearer and partner of an SNP MSP, assisting an organisation which he was involved in trying to prevent from coming to Dundee. One can but wonder at the motivation behind this conversion on the road to Damascus.

The independence movement is a conglomeration of small grass roots groups working away in their own way in their own areas and it was them who gave us the result we had in the referendum. I feel that these groups should be very careful of putting their names to or being on a committee linked to an organisation which openly  espouses breaking the law . An organisation which treats criticism by making threats of violence and arranges seedy back room deals among its chosen few. To do this in the name of a future independent Scotland is disgusting.

I would suggest that if groups do wish to be involved with AUOB they insist on full compliance with any Council or Police  conditions including the  rout to be taken .
They insist on proper public liability insurance and sight of the documents. They insist on a full set of accounts and a reckoning of ongoing expences and proper accounting for the collection buckets which will be there in considerable number, with a share of money collected going to the groups who have participated after of course the disbursement of expenses.

I attach below some more screen shots of conversations between members of the self appointed “committee” ( there are more) I have looked at the profiles of these people and I am sure the police will be interested in doing the same . There was only one which was difficult to get a profile for and that was Robert, I have a feeling you could substitute Mike for that one .

I am committed as ever to the cause of independence but I do feel we should not have to wade through a cesspit of inanity, incompetence and skulduggery to get there. The people of Scotland  deserve something better.


I have been in business for well over half a century but I learn something new every day. My politics are the middle of the road. I believe that the far-right and far-left are equally harmful. Jim Murphy ( at that time, leader of the Scottish Labour party) asked me if I called myself a socialist. I said, "no Jim, I am not a socialist, I am a capitalist, but a capitalist with a social conscience.

27 thoughts on “All under one Clique”

  1. This the game you want the play attacking the stronghold grassroots organisation. Dundee isn’t yours it’s the Scottish people’s and as for Tommy he has no say on AUOB stuff none what so ever so you just on the Tommy bad bandwagon well your simply attacking grassroots as Tommy is a welcomed speaker at every event of people pull out cause of Tommy that’s their loss will not be asked again no one dictates what happens at grassroot level activists. One Clan One Goal

    1. Gary. if you think I am attacking the Dundee people or the in dependence movement then you are not reading what I have been saying. No, I am taking issue with the amateurish and dangerous manner in which this march is being set up and the undemocratic manner in which the committee was set up. The rest of your message concerning Tommy Sheridan is difficult to understand and therefore I will pass that over.

      1. Bob that was my opinion every decision is done via our central belt committee as a know for a fact timmy will be speaking at other events that are not AUOB so attacking someone you don’t like helps Scotland how Bob all rather pathetic Behaviour from a so called yesser.

    2. You seem to be under the mistaken idea that I am against Tommy speaking. You obviously do not realise the hassle I went through to get him accepted on a previous rally I organised in Dundee,. The ironic thing is that one of the main guys you have on your committee was one of the main objectors to it.Mike Strachan., It is quite plainly a ridiculous situation.

    3. I have never said that I am in any way against Tommy speaking in fact I went through hell before a previous rally I organised in Dundee to get Tommy to speak and the guy who was one of the main causes of the anti Tommy feeling is on the secret committee for this event., You have this the wrong way around. Honestly you just couldn’t make this up

    1. You just did ,In your confused mind. If you think I have an issue with Tommy Sheridan then I suggest you get someone who can read to go over what I have been writing and you will see quite clearly that I have no issue with Tommy.

  2. I am involved with AUOB I have explained already that we are a peaceful movement we are being welcomed in Dumfries by the SNP and other grassroots groups if you think this will gain your blog support then you are very naive because at this stage as we are gathering strength and support from the SNP then all you will accomplish is accusations of doing dirty work for the unionist parties .

    1. If you are as you say then what is your reasoning for trying to subvert normal procedures and your stated aim of electing a committee, by arranging a committee in secret and foisting it on the the people at the meeting. What is the reasoning behind the intention to hold an illegal march if necessary? It doesn’t make sense.

  3. you wrote ” A pity also that one of the main proponents in this affair was in the past involved in the attempts to adversely affect a previous rally because of the presence of Tommy Sheridan and now we have the spectacle of him arranging a speaking slot on this forthcoming march and rally. Mind you it is hardly surprising when you consider that AUOB is merged with Hope Over Fear, the organization run by Tommy.”are you talking about John McHarg the guy who has absolutely nothing to do with AUOB! I know every one of AUOB admins who are all dear comrades of mine as is Tommy, Bob no one was your enemy but if you want pity or support it will not come from any free thinking Indy person but you certainly will receive it from Unionists

    1. I am neither looking for pity nor support I am putting down legitimate concerns. This march can go ahead in two ways . It can take place legal with proper insurance which will protect the people in and around the march, or it can go ahead in the manner described at that meeting which would either be without the necessary public liability insurance or with insurance which is negated because of contraventions of regulations.
      I had severe reservations regarding the manner this committee had been set up in secret that is not the way to do things like this.
      No, I am not speaking about the guy you mention I am speaking about Mike Strachan who has been a disruptive influence on previous rallies including the one we invited Tommy Sheridan to speak at. This can be resolved ifs all take a step back and dress the root of the problem and go forward in a manner that would see all parties positions respected.,

  4. Bob I’ll keep it simple a don’t usually reply to performing seals where is the proof of all these accusations All a see is a bitter little man who’s nose is outta place nothing more as named organiser of Glasgow AUOB

    1. I am sorry you see it this way Garry but I can assure you. My concern it at the way this has been organised., nIf you guys wished to subvert normal procedure and secretly chose a committee then why invite me to the meeting . That does not make sense . I had no intention of going on any committee anyway but having been asked by a couple of people I voiced concerns at the manner the march was going to be conducted., Do you think it should be carted out without taking council and police advice? do you think it should be done either without insurance or with insurance which is not valid because for infringements with lawful restrictions?

  5. This is actually hilarious no Alan or Craig actual part of AUOB hardcore activist simply a plant from Dundee hope your proud of your actions Bob the people of Dundee must love you not AUOB are coming to town this fight bigger than your damaged ego

      1. Hi bob. Dingo mellon publicly humiliated my mum on an all under one banner bus, because she was wrongly blamed for a bus being late into Glasgow. One of their organisers Tom Tomney offered us a local pick up and then lied and said we had pestered him for it. This led to John Mellon calling my mum (69 years of age) unstable because she stood up to his bullying and then started a hate campaign against me because he thought my mum was called Pauline. There were numerous threads ongoing on his facebook page. He threatened me with auobs lawyers for saying what he did to me when he had defamatory posts up on his fb page about me for 3 days. His response to me tweeting him and saying he had the wrong person was to refer to my mum as a plant and an imposter

  6. An unprofessional organisation from start to finish. An absolute disgrace, they should be allowed nowhere near independence marches in my view. I wasnt even at the march, I was on holiday. My mum was so distressed by his bullying that she didnt make the march and got the bus home on her own. John Mellon should be nowhere near indy marches, I have had concerns about them for some time which were compounded after the way my mum was bullied by John Mellon. I will do everything in my power to get these marches shut down, they are not fit to be running them, they are a shower of bullies. You are more than welcome to contact my mum and she will let you know exactly how she was treated the day of the bannockburn march

    1. Although I do not think I have had contact with the person you speak of ( bit difficult to keep up with all of them) I do sympathise, with the experience your Mum went through and understand your thoughts on the bullying aspects of what happened.This was the experience I ,myself had. It is indeed unfortunate that these people are organising these marches , although the marches them selves seem to go well.
      They have now been forced to actually run them in compliance with police and local authority guidelines and ( I hope ) with the proper public liability insurance. Unfortunately because of their original methods being questioned by local authorities they have been forced to change dates, times and routs for both the Inverness march and the Dundee one also. This has caused great annoyance from people who had booked hotels and arranged time off work.
      I personally will have nothing to do with any events AUOB organise and I know many people who are off the same mind. Thanks for your Input and please give my regards to your Mother.

  7. I complained to AUOB about a misogynistic and sectarian meme being posted on their page and was harassed by three separate admins, basically told if you don’t like it piss off. I also complained about Sheridan roaring his mouth off at every rally. Sheridan is a disgusting, objectifying misogynist who is disliked by many women. But not by the women of AUOB! It was suggested I organise my own march! I’ll be boycotting their marches, I’ll wait for my canvassing training for the next referendum and do my bit that way. They are NOT a wholesome organisation.

    1. No ,unfortunately they do not take criticism lightly and react in a most disgraceful manner. Not really the best people to be organising grass roots events. It is no wonder SNP p[oliticians are reluctant to appear at these events.

  8. Excellent blog. This bunch can’t take criticism. The response is to label critics as unionist plants and impostors. If it weren’t a serious matter involving the good name of the independence movement, it would be funny. When you can’t win an argument, throw out insults. Bullying, misogynistic behaviour (and threats of actual physical violence!) have no place in the movement. It is beyond sad that this shady bunch have inveigled themselves into such prominence in the movement. Mellon’s behaviour and refusal to apologise, compounded by his hate campaign against my daughter who had simply asked him politely to apologise, led me to the conclusion that the AOUB was disreputable. And when not one had the decency to apologise to us, it proved to me they are all tarred with the same brush and unfit to play any part in the independence movement. We shan’t be bullied into silence by them. No one should be. Well done for writing this blog. It’s now my pinned tweet. I’d love to read your first one.

    1. Eleanor, thank you for that and yes , as long as there are people willing to say no to bullying then it will make a difference. It is unfortunate that AUOB seem to be made up of people with a natural instinct of attack. It was the same with the march at Dumfries when a local taxi owner made adverse comments about Nocola Sturgeon, this was followed by the most disgraceful attack on this guys Buisness with false adverse ratings being posted by certain people associated with AUOB. It was utterly disgraceful. If you are interested in any of my blogs then feel free to go to the site at

  9. Eleanor is my mum. We were the people targeted by John Mellon because they messed up re offering some people a local pick up. My mum didn’t once ask for this and neither did I, we were offered it.

    There were two men picked up that day at Motherwell, he didn’t shout at them, just my mum. He also told another organiser that the reason he was angry was because he had no idea that buses were stopping at Motherwell, this is untrue, he messaged me on facebook messenger two days earlier telling me to tell my mum what time to be at Motherwell cross.

    She stood up to him and he referred to her as unstable, thinking she was me which is why he posted posts from my facebook page on his. Someone on my facebook page (which is private), kindly copied over posts to him where I was telling a mate what had happened to my mum and he posted them on his page. I could only face looking at some of the comments. He had people on his facebook who don’t know me and who have never met me refer to me as a “nutter”, “needs to see a heed doctor”, calling my mum and myself liars. Those were all eventually taken down but the damage was done. He also accused me of sending him vicious and unstable messages, this is absolute nonsense. He also posted that he had heard that I was “a wee bitty unstable”. What kind of person posts stuff like that about someone they have never met in their entire life!

  10. The fall out from what happened that day was ridiculous. I had facebook friends of John Mellon’s try to add me on Facebook and Twitter to give me grief. I have had people posting mental health slurs about me all over Twitter and all because John Mellon decided to start a campaign against me thinking my mum was called Pauline and that she was unstable because she objected to the way he spoke to her. For the record, my mum is not a plant nor an imposter and neither am I. She is a yesser, she campaigns for yes, she votes SNP, we both campaigned for our MP in 2017 and we are involved with a local yes group. Peaceful movements do not target people the way this man targeted us. I have the screenshots of everything John Mellon’s friends said about me on his facebook and the comments are beyond disgusting. They need to learn to accept criticism particularly when they deserve it. I would actually be mortified posting publicly the stuff that John Mellon posted about me on his facebook page. I got a full apology from the girl who contacted John Mellon to slate me, because she knows that what she said about me and my mum was simply not true. We worked our socks off to get her son elected and she knows that. What kind of person allows people to call someone they don’t know and have never met “a few sandwiches short of a picnic”, a “real nutter”, “needs to see a heed doctor”. Doesn’t bother finding out if any of the lies they are posting about people are true before they post them. He then had the nerve to post on his facebook page that my mum thought it was funny that the bus was delayed that day. She wasn’t laughing when I spoke to her, she was in a state of distress. I actually gave money to people who couldn’t afford to go to marches money to book onto auob buses. I will never be back at one of their marches and we do go to the HOF rallies but I do not donate to them either. Some of these committee members need to have a good long look at themselves because their stock answer seems to be blaming other people when they have got it badly wrong.

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