The World This Week From Mennies

Saturday 3 February 2024

The state of the United States. Ukraine. Rosa. Palestine

The state of the United States

Well, folks here we are at the end of another week, and what a week, so let’s start with the US and what a state it is in.

There is an election this year and you have a choice between Joe Biden, a guy who struggles to remember his own name or where he is going at times, who has a son with a penchant for cooking. Not food I might add, but cocaine as well as a relationship with some very seedy Ukrainian “businessmen” in a Ukrainian company called Burisma who were supplying him with $50,000 per month whilst his daddy was Barack Obama’s number 2. It is I am sure pure coincidence that Genocide Joe has supplied Ukraine with funds in the region of $75 billion. Which as a by-product, has also made the Ukrainian president and one-time comedian Volodymyr  Zelenskyy into a multi-billionaire property magnet.

The other choice is of course Trump, a guy who also has a job putting intelligible sentences together, not because of senile dementia like Genocide Joe but simple stupidity. The man is as thick as two short planks, as was displayed a few years back when he decided to come to Scotland, his ancestral home ( something we in Scotland like to keep secret), and build a golf course at Balmedie. He was rather upset when an owner of a small holding refused to sell his property to him and even more upset when he discovered that he could do nothing about it, so he ended up building the course around David Milne’s small holding resplendent in the prominent exhibition of the flag of Mexico.

Both of them of course are fatally shackled to the cause of Israel which in itself is a very compelling reason that neither of them is worth a single vote from the basically good people of America.

So, to all of my friends in the good old US of A, my condolences, as it would seem, on the surface of things that you do not have a lot going for you at the moment.  


Well what can I say, but I told you so. Ukraine is on the point of collapse and hopefully with it will also come the beginning of the collapse of NATO which has been a willing participant in the war with Russia.

If that happens, it will be the start of a peaceful world as NATO led by the USA has been responsible for virtually all wars on the planet for the last 40 years and they are getting worse with their support for the genocide in Palestine.


I had a call from my 14-year-old granddaughter Rosa last week, she was in tears and extremely distraught. She was worried about a war starting with Russia. I went across to her house and sat down with her and asked what had brought this on.

She took out her phone and clicked on one of her social media accounts which was full of politicians beating their chests about the need to go to war with Russia. One of the most prominent was our illustrious Minister for Defense, Grant Shapps, who had just been all over social media and indeed the BBC ( British Bullshit Company) which is the propaganda arm of whatever government happens to be in power.

His latest gem was that he thought the UK ( hopefully by then, minus Scotland) would be at war with Russia within 20 years and he had come up with the idea that a senior citizens reserve army should be raised, presumably to clear up the nuclear waste, which will be all that is left of the country if we try to invade Russia. What an absolute idiotic moron.

I told her that this clown was a politician, worse than that, a Tory politician. Now this is an election year, and the Tories are the most unpopular party in the country. Mainly because of the mess they have made of things, including dragging us out of the EU and the utter mess they made of the Covid situation which started in 2020 together with the mass corruption with many of the Tory politicians suddenly being directors of businesses specifically set up to provide the NHS with covid related products, thereby making hundreds of millions out of the sheer misery most families had to go through. Most of these businesses then went into administration after their assets had been plundered.

“So, Rosa”, I said “the Tories are very unpopular and most likely to be ousted from power in the upcoming election. So what do politicians do when they are unpopular and wish to continue on the gravy train that politicians travel on? They strike fear into the general population because when people are frightened, they are inclined to cling to what they have. After all, to change is a step into the unknown”.

That is exactly the tactics the Tories are employing. They know we are not going to war with Russia because they also know that if we did, our army would be slaughtered. They ignominiously had to ask the US if we could withdraw our forces from Helmand in Afghanistan in 2014. That was against a bunch of farmers and poppy growers with AK 47s and the occasional RPG launcher, so god knows what Shapes was thinking of when he hatched his brainwave of going to war with Russia.

“No Rosa,” I said, “we are not going to war with Russia, that is a figment of imagination in a demented mind”. This is what politicians do to control and it is awful, they should be ashamed of themselves.

By the way, the alternative to Sunak, our present prime minister is “Sir” Keir Rodney Starmer the leader of the Labour party a man who does not have a clue of how to run a raffle never mind a country and he is firmly planted up the backside of the Jewish lobby thereby supporting the present genocide in Palestine.


Well despite the ruling of the ICJ  that Israel was on no account to continue with acts that could construe Genocide, they ignore that and continue to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. It is the crime of the Century and the West is complicit in this.

Now, Israel is desperate to bring the US into the war they have started on the poor people of Palestine and they are shit scared that Iran will become a nuclear state before very long, which would mean that they no longer are the sole owners of the final solution. ( ironic isn’t it). So they are working overtime to bring Genocide Joe into the fray, although he had been a willing partner in the awful slaughter to date by supplying the weaponry and ammunition that have been used to slaughter more than 27,000 Palestinians since October 7.

Now Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians since the formation of the artificial Israeli state in 1948 under the auspices of first the League of Nations and then the newly formed United Nations. Before then and since about 1935 Jewish people and more especially Zionist Jews had been emigrating from all over Europe and the USA to Palestine and in the main been made welcome.

They returned this hospitality by starting terrorist organizations such as Irgun and Stern gang who were not only responsible for various massacres of their Palestinian hosts’ but also, of British soldiers and police who were there to administer the Palestinian territories on behalf of firstly the League of Nations and then the United nations.

So Israel is no stranger to terrorism as the Israeli state was founded on terrorism.

So what have we today? Well on the 7 October, we had a group of resistance fighters go back into occupied Palestinian territory to attempt to remove a part of the Israeli army of occupation, as since 1948 Israel, through occupation and illegal settlements had increased the borders of Israel by a factor of about 7.

Israel was well aware of this impending attack as they had been warned by the intelligence services of Egypt. Not only that but their own intelligence service, Mossad was also well aware of the impending attack. Several days before the attack, the Israeli stock market was the subject of irregular short selling ( that is selling shares in a company before actually owning them, then buying them a few days later after that had fallen because of some unusual event at a much lower price. These shares were in companies that would have suffered losses because of the attack by Hamas, therefore the people involved in the short selling could have very well, known of the attack in advance.

So the rest is short-term history, Israel took advantage of the attack to go to war after inventing incredible stories of slaughtered babies and civilians, most of whom were actually killed by Israeli forces employing the Hannibal protocol which is the killing of hostages held by a terrorist group to also kill the terrorists.

Israel has not done very well on the ground as they are great at killing civilians including children with their massive advantage of air and artillery power.

They have been bombing various other countries such as Lebanon and Syria in the hope of bringing America into the war but they have a big problem with getting supplies through the Red Sea as Yemen has all but stopped all freight transport heading for Israel, and all over the middle east there have been attacks on US bases because of the US’s mindless support for the Genocide being carried out in Gaza, so all is certainly not going Israels way.

I think that a ceasefire will be agreed upon in the next few days as Israel needs to regroup or attack Hezbollah in the north and in Lebanon and that will open a real can of worms as Hezbollah are no pushover and have plenty of combat experience in Syria. So interesting time ahead, oh and by the way the alleged attack on the American base in Jordan was not in Jordan but was in fact in Syria, where America is there illegally, so the US is now carrying out retaliatory actions for an attack on a base which they occupy against international law.

So today I went into Dundee as there was to be a demonstration on behalf of the poor people of Palestine. Take care all and have a good weekend


I have been in business for well over half a century but I learn something new every day. My politics are the middle of the road. I believe that the far-right and far-left are equally harmful. Jim Murphy ( at that time, leader of the Scottish Labour party) asked me if I called myself a socialist. I said, "no Jim, I am not a socialist, I am a capitalist, but a capitalist with a social conscience.

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