The World This Week From Mennies

Well, Friday night again and I realy do not know where the weeks are going.
It has been extremely busy at work this week and glad to get out for a pint and a chance to relax.


So, the SNP are to hold their contrived event tomorrow. Honestly, they get worse every time I turn on social media or listen to the news, they get worse.

This is going to be a cracker this weekend. God knows what selection of sexually confused and deviant followers are going to turn up for their much vaunted rally.

One of the more disappointing aspects of it is that Buisness For Scotland are partners in this event.

I was once a member of that organisation, mainly during the last campaign and for a time after it. My family contributed a fair amount to their efforts during the campaign, but now it seems that they are firmly intrenched in the failed Sturgeon ideology which has delivered nothing by way of advancement towards independence.

The rally this weekend is not about independence and more about an attempt at returning as many failed politicians to their well paid and inconsequential jobs in Westminster.

Please do not be fooled, this has nothing to do with independence.


So , it goes on and on and on. A proxy war waged by the US and their poodles in NATO. Using brave but misguided Ukrainian soldiers to attempt to damage Russia.

Well it is not working, as the Ukrainian army are being fed into a meat grinder and are being slaughtered daily.

There are over one hundred thousand Ukrainian soldiers missing and that is not counting the deaths that have been recorded. The Ukrainian government are about to bring in legislation to ban the forming of pressure groups of concerned relatives brought into being for the express purpose of pressurising the government to come clean on tgd fate of their loved ones.

Of course it is obvious that all through Europe we are feeling the effects of the imposition of sanctions on Russia and we are in for another very expensive winter because of them.

Time to wake up folks as you are being forced to conduct and finance a proxy war against a country which was forced to act to protect its borders, and if you are in doubt then do some research in to the Maiden uprising and the Minsk agreements. Or have a look at some recent blogs I and others have done. The one thing not to do is believe anything that comes out of the BBC as they are lying bastards.

Ok so on that light note, it is time for a pint , so I wish my friends the world over, a pleasant weekend and a few words of wisdom 🤔

It is the easiest thing to feel the pressure and fall back in line and it is sometimes hard to walk in the opposite direction, but it is sometimes the true road and you will know, because you will be following your conscience. As long as you have that you will
Never walk alone.


I have been in business for well over half a century but I learn something new every day. My politics are the middle of the road. I believe that the far-right and far-left are equally harmful. Jim Murphy ( at that time, leader of the Scottish Labour party) asked me if I called myself a socialist. I said, "no Jim, I am not a socialist, I am a capitalist, but a capitalist with a social conscience.

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